There are 27 Nakshatras and which nakshatra is the best Nakshatra is the curious question. The beginners of astrology and even the advanced researchers keep on comparing nakshatras to find out which one is the best nakshatra. Is Rohini the best nakshatra? Is Dhanishtha the best nakshatra? or Is Pushya the best nakshatra?
I am going to answer this question keeping in mind the fact that we are in 2021 and we have materialistic desires as well as spiritual growth in mind.

Many astrologers think Rohini is the best naksharta since its about creativity and abundance. I feel moon Nakshatra come with intrinsic need to get support from other people and in today’s era it can be difficult to get that constant help and attention.
Pushya is known to be a very auspicious nakshatra. Pushya is considered to be lucky nakshatra to be born in. Pushya has power to change things overcome negative influences in order to provide nourishment to others. But it also has a selfish side as its shadow side. Bering the nakshatra of Saturn its hard to deal with the discipline this nakshatra can require.
Another choice is nakshatra Dhanishtha that deals with longevity, fame and success. The natives are very talented, have great sense of music and rhythm. Good at many sports and art related things. However Dhanishtha can make marriage partnership a difficult thing to get. Marital bliss is lacking in many a times when we see dominant Dhanishtha that is related to 7th in natal horoscope. The natives are fiercely competitive and even business partnership can be a difficult thing to sustain if the aspects are malefic.
Swati is the best nakshatra for the present times. It is about independence, it is about flowing , changing nature and business mindset needed for making deals. Being nakshatra of Rahu it will manifest the material side and being in libra it will seek balance. Saturn is exalted in this nakshatra to show the discipline and judging attitude of the natives. Swati brings the best of Rahu, Saturn and Venus with calm and flexible approach. They are well connected people and want the best for the community. Once they find success in the material world they start their spiritual journey.
The famous people who have moon in Swati are sri Meher baba, Harry Truman, George Harrison, Nelson Rockefeller