Jupiter in Shatabhisha nakshatra is about getting things back to origin if they were not right. It is about doing the right thing. Jupiter transits to shatabhisha in May 2021 and it stays there for a month. It goes retrograde and goes to Capricorn before coming back to Aquarius.
What is Shatabhisha? Who is the lord of Shatabhisha?
Shatabhisha is a naksharta of Rahu. It means 100 healers. It is about churning of the ocean and finding the herbs. This nakshatra deals with healing and health. If it is positively placed it will bring lot of name and fame. If it is placed negatively in the horoscope then the person will be secretive, afraid of things and lacks courage to change things for the best. The other name of the shatabhisha is shatataraka. The symbol if the shatabhisha nakshatra is a circle.

In modern day this nakshatra rules over all the electronic media. It has the power to circulate or containment. If falls in the negative way in your horoscope the whole thing can be reduced to zero.
Mind goes through lot of turmoil and understands that the right thing is helping others and letting go of ego. Planets master this skill in the nakshatra and gain power. If we don’t understand this basic principle the nakshatra has power to destroy things and teach you the right lesson.
It creates fears and dilemma, it creates love of secrecy and insecurities if the malefic are present or aspect this nakshatra. Transit of Jupiter will bring in the right wisdom and will help end the negativities.
How is Shatabhisha Nakshatra?
Shatabhisha nakshatra is a very powerful nakshatra. It has capacity to give name and fame. If you have moon in Shatabhisha then you will have the mahadasha of Rahu at the beginning. The natives are usually very secretive and have some eccentricity. Being reclusive these people think a lot, they are great researchers. The gain lot of wisdom. The natives are non judgmental, relate to everyone. They usually do not have any prejudice.
What activities do Shatabhisha Natives enjoy?
Shatabhisha natives enjoy doing research, deep thinking, solving all types of puzzles. The enjoy finding out that is hidden. They can go in media, do farming, love herbs and trees, they can be good healers and researchers.
Jupiter in Shatabhisha nakshatra
Jupiter finds the wisdom to deal with the fears and insecurities in the nakshatra of shatabhisha. It makes things grow and gives fame and name. Jupiter can handle Rahu energy to give the right path. Sage Valmiki had Shatabhisha nakshatra. Usually having benefic planets in Shatabhisha gives good results. When Jupiter comes to Shatabhisha new cures can be found. New research in terms of healthcare will get done.
Effects for all Signs Jupiter in Shatabhisha
Aries-Invest carefully. Else things might reduce to zero. Use wisdom and not greed to gain profits
Taurus-it will Reduce your fears, give courage and will make youhelp others
Gemini- give Support from mentor and advisors. Show gratitude towards them
Cancer-Jupiter will show wisdom to understand the hidden systems and you will get profits though that. Ending of something will be good new beginnings.
Leo- Show patience to deal with partners and spouse. They can share some insights and inspire you.
Virgo-You will take the route of consulting and coaching to gain recognition. Aoid addictions and getting carried away in terms of investments.
Libra- Be courageous and be open for a change, keep you fears away
Scorpio-Use your wisdom to deal with family matters and remember being spiritual will always be more rewarding
Sagittarius-Use your wisdom when dealing with siblings and team mates, it is about sharing and not competing
Capricorn-Use your intuition to inspire you to take up new ventures
Aquarius-Use your family values and make sure your resources are handled carefully so that they dont reduce to zero.
Pisces-Use may your time to do herbal remedies, yoga and meditation. You will adopt a better sattvic lifestyle.
Nakshatra effect
Saturn ketu- difficult , Sun the most difficult is for uttaradasha
- Best for moon and mars nakshatra –
- Venus and mercury nakshatra are can deal with quite well. And same way the nakshatra of Guru can also manage this energy well.
Remedy For Jupiter in Shatabhisha
– Pay tribute to your teachers, respect your advisors and gurus
Pray to Ma Durga & Lord Shiva Worship
Pay for someone’s education,
Stay away from addictions
Think about others first
You can wear colors like shades blue & neon color.
if you are looking for video on Shatabhisha nakshatra please see this video here.