What is Ketu in Astrology?
Ketu is a karaka planet of spirituality, detachment and mystery. It is the south node of the Moon. Planet ketu is a shadow planet. Like Rahu Ketu is always retrograde. It has just body and no Head. Birthplace of Ketu is Abhijit Nakshatra. It is the most auspicious nakshatra. The function of Ketu is to show path to the liberation if it is associated with houses 4,8 and we in any birth chart.
How Does Ketu affect your life?
Ketu helps a person detach from things. Ketu is responsible for showing futileness of materialism. Ketu takes a person on the spiritual path. Ketu acts exactly opposite way than Rahu. Rahu makes a person strive for material gains and then Ketu shows the hollowness in all such fame and material gains so that a person can move forward towards the spiritual path. Ketu also helps a person to fulfill the pending karma related to detachment and spirituality.
Mars owns the Scorpio sign along with Ketu. planet Mars as the owner of Aries – helps us take birth and understand materialism. Where action comes mars comes- Mars helps us take the action in transformation from Material world to spiritual world. This needs courage. This needs thinking beyond logical reasoning mind. Going beyond reasoning mind is Ketu’s job.
Ketu brings courage required to explore our inner world. It gives us ability to conquer the hidden demons that stop our spiritual progress. Ketu has no head , so it feels with the heart and emotions. It feels intuitively. Head brings restrictions and analysis. Ketu helps us going beyond restrictions of the mind.

Why Ketu is known as a dhwaja/Flag?
Flag is a symbol of victory. The flag that is denoted by Ketu is a triangular flag. It is the flag of victory over our enemies of liberation/ moksha. It is the victory of spirituality over materialism. Flag is usually at a higher level, at the top of mountain or on a high post. Ketu is called the flag planet because it denotes the highest karma in our birth chart. 10 th house is the highest karma and Capricorn is the sign of that karma. Saturn owns it. Ketu does extremely well in the 10th house, that is where it gets the directional strength.
The Triangular flag – also denotes multiple tries one has to do to achieve the result. 3 is the number for success. The native will take 3 steps, 3 tries or 3 actions to get the message from Ketu!
Being detached from outcome and valuing other human being equally are qualities of a sadhu and Ketu will function well once natives understand and implement that. That is the flag- the highest karma.
What are nakshatras of Ketu? How do ketu nakshatra function?
In Ashwini Nakshatra Ketu makes you create something , make a mistake and then heal.
For Magha Nakshatra Ketu makes you take the social responsibility for your karma, scarify something to bring in the change and be ready to be alone.
While In Moola Nakshatra Ketu makes you let go of your creation, let go of ego but the barriers are tough to break and then go to higher level.
Ketu in Moola is intense position. Ketu in 2nd house is a difficult position , just like Ketu in Taurus in today’s world where materialism has excessive value.
What are the Remedies for for Ketu?
Do remedy for Ketu if ketu is conjunct moon, ascendant or ascendant lord in your horoscope you must do Ketu remedy. Use the Mantra remedy for Ketu if Ketu is connected to 1,5,9 houses in the horoscope.
Ketu Mantra is Kem Ketuve Namah
Some natives are given Ranta remedy. Many a times meditation helps. Nadi shodhan pranayama is also very effective. You can also do Yantra remedy for Ketu.
When is Ketu Afflicted in a horoscope?
Ketu is afflicted in any horoscope if you see the native shying away from the responsibility. The person is lazy. Native does not have courage.
Use the remedies of Ketu so that native takes the right action. Follows the Dharma.
Which God Represents Ketu?
Lord Ganesh represents Ketu. Lord Ganesh is for wisdom , initiation, removing hurdles and leadership in terms of spiritual initiatives. Natives are asked to worship lord ganesh in all possible ways to remove the bad effects of afflicted ketu.