Health and Astrology
Use Astrology knowledge to find out health issues of a native. It shows physical ,mental or emotional challenges native will go through in their lifetime. Horoscope gives us idea about the ailments one can have. It also shows ailments one is prone for. The birth chart also shows the time frame for those ailments and nature of the issue.
We are given the physical body to enjoy the life on this earth. we go through the pain of aging , physical and mental issues that arise with the desires of human being. This is our soul’s journey on the earth and we have to complete it. The biggest fear humans have is that of dying. soul takes another form after dying . Death is not the end but another beginning until we attain liberation.
While we are alive we try all methods to be younger and live disease free. Astrology holds clues for genetic make up as well as physical and mental issues we can have in this life. Person’s horoscope can tell us whether the native will be able to overcome these physical and emotional challenges.
Placement of planet like Saturn in the third house means
- A native can have issues of fear phobia, taking initiative.
- It also means native tries hard to continue some hobby.
- It can also show someone gets stress with the idea of driving but will have to drive
- Use hands extensively for writing/ driving some art or hobby hence can have issues with shoulder.
Planet placement in birth chart horoscope and Ailments
Placement of Saturn in the first house can show
- self sabotage native can do.
- it can lead to some psychological issues.
- It also means native doesn’t consider himself or herself capable of what he or she deserves.
- They tend to underestimate themselves.
placement of Jupiter in the first house,
- these people know what they’re capable of. And they make sure that they get those things.
- But Jupiter 1st house one may put on extra weight,
mercury in the first house
- these people know what they’re capable of. And they make sure that they get those things.
- one may think a lot with mercury in 1st house
- they have a disturbed mind.
Placement of planet in the sixth house can indicate physical issues that can be chronic in nature.
Combination of planets from the sixth, eighth and 12th house indicate
-why native got this issue.
-whether issue will will be solved by surgery
– by medication or
-native has to stay in hospital for some time.

Medical astrology
Medical astrology is a special branch of astrology that deals with physical as well as mental issues of people. Astrology is a holistic system. it works with Ayurveda, homeopathy, meditation, physical therapy. Astrology also works well as crystal therapy to solve any physical or mental issue . Depending on how early the native seeks support and the quality of support that they get, the issue can resolve. Certain issues are by birth. Astrologer can tell about them from the horoscope. Many times is it result of our karma from the past life. However You can over come certain things with your karma.
Mahadasha of the planet and Antar-dhasha of planet issues can vary. A trained astrologer can definitely give indication about what type of health issues a person can have. Astrologer indicates a physical or mental a certain person can face during that timeframe. They give a direction. Then we can manage and maintain the issues .
Healing Methods and Astrology
Astrology deals with different kinds of healing methods and meditation is definitely one of them. Astrologer can suggest various forms of meditations that a native can do. Because not all medication will work with every person. Same way not all meditations will work with same person. Some people like to run, some like to sit down in a quiet room. On the other hand, some feel claustrophobic to in a room in a dark.
Horoscope and Information they give
Do the In depth study of person’s horoscope and suggest remedies and changes in lifestyle. That resolves their physical and mental issues. The karma that you do in this lifetime lessens your pain. It will definitely reduce the burden on your soul check out the meditations related playlist on the YouTube channel.
Astrology can tell if one has ADHD, ADD or any learning disability. It can also tell the remedy or if it can be resolved permanently. Check the blog post related to indications of autism. you can also see posts related to indications of learning disabilities. There is post about possibility of accident and getting handicap in your horoscope on this website.