Venus is going to transit through the sign of Virgo soon and I thought this is the good time to mention about remedies for Weak Venus, Debilitated Venus so that people can take care of their relationships and money matters.
Venus is our life energizing force. It is the sanjeevani. It symbolizes Rishi shukracharya. Shukra was advisor of demons. He guided them for all material world pleasures. He gave them sanjeevani which is Amrit or nectar. Venus hence rules over all pleasures of life, money, vehicles, relationships, arts and music. It is represented by white color.
If Venus in placed in 6th house or Virgo in 12th house still it can give the results of a weak Venus in the horoscope during its Dasha and Antardasha. If you have many planets in nakshatra of Venus then this Venus will affect the outcome by large.
For getting material world happiness Venus should be strong in the horoscope. Venus is debilitated in the sign of Virgo and it is exalted in the sign of Pisces. It rules over two signs that are Taurus and Libra. Libra is the Mula Trikon sign of Venus. Venus ensures the job of harmony in relations. That is basic function of Venus. It is debilitated in Virgo due to abuse, imbalance, complaining, cheating and addictions.- Doing excess or none of what Venus represents or not respecting the balance in life.
Whether you are a LGBTQ , man or a woman Venus still rules our relationships. Hence taking care of Venus is important for all.

Here is the Remedy to Strengthen Venus
- Respect women in your life. At work, in home, in the society.
- Wear White Colors for important meetings, presentations and be clean in your behavior.
- Watch out for the intake of white substances like milk, sugar and fruit juices or drinks that you consume. Have balance.
- Donate and spend money when needed. Money should be in circulation.
- Pray to any goddess if your family has that tradition. Donate things that Venus rules over.
- Best remedy is giving food to the hungry.
- Help people who are blind or have issues of eyes.
- Donate white flowers, wear white flowers like Juhi/ jui
- For men you can be a Sperm donor.
- if you are in the medical field do schedule free workshops for the needy or free operation sessions for the needy.