Each nakshatra has a bird, tree, Deity , color as well sound associated with it. Each pada of nakshatra has a sound associated with it which shows the energy of the nakshtra. In india a baby is given the name depending on pada of the Moon nakshatra. Here are some examples of Pada and alphabets or sounds associated with it.
Punarvasu Nakshtra has letters associated with it as Ke, Kay Ko, Ha, Hi, Hee
Pushyami Nakshtra has letters associated with it as Hu, He, Ho, Da
Ashlesha Nakshtra has letters associated with it as Di, Du, De, Do, Dee, Me, Da
Magha Nakshtra has letters associated with it as Ma,Maa, Mi, Mee Mu, Me,
Purva Phalguni Nakshtra has letters associated with it as Mo, Ta, Taa, Ti, Tee, Tu,
Uttara Phalguni Nakshtra has letters associated with it as Te, Ta, Taa, To, Pa, Paa, Pi, Pee
Hasta Nakshtra has letters associated with it as Pu, Sha, Shaa, Na, Poo, Tha
Chitra Nakshtra has letters associated with it as Pe, Po, Ra, Raa, Ri, Ree
Swathi Nakshtra has letters associated with it as Ru, Re, Ro, Roo, Ta, Taa
Vishaka Nakshtra has letters associated with it as Ti, Tee, Too, Te, Tu, Tae, To
Anuradha Nakshtra has letters associated with it as Na, Naa, Ni, Nu, Ne, Nee, Noo, Nae
Jyeshta Nakshtra has letters associated with it as No, Ya, Yaa, Yi, Yu, Yee,
When mother calls the child she is actually initiating the energy associated with the name of the child. What we speak and how we use that sound energy is very important to get the desired result. People with ashlesha nakshatra are advised not to curse or lie because very likely what they are saying in anger can come true and it will damage their near and dear ones.
Baby is given the name depending on moon nakshatra if the moon is placed well. That allows them make the use of the energy to the fullest. People have noticed that when business name and the nakshtra purpose aligns the business becomes successful.

Business and Nakshatra that are seen to be active related to it are Food – Punarvasu, Pushya, Kritika, Rohini, Bharani, Purvashadha,
Prevention and Law and order- Anuradha, Vishakha
Fame and Reaching out to many- Purva Ashadha
Hospitality industry- Rohini, Purvaphalguni, Hasta,
Medicine related industry- Ashwini, Ashlesha, Mula
Sports and Entertainment- Bharani, Ardra, Punarvasu, Dhanishtha, Revati and Uttarabhadrapada
Construction business and real estate- Dhanishtha, Rohini, Punarvasu, Chitra
Kids related businesses- Purva phalguni, Bharani, Event Management – Rohini, Hasta, Uttara phalguni
Swati is also active in case of most of the businesses. Food the clothing has Moon Venus and Rahu nakshatra for new trends. For Sports Mars nakshtra is active. For Law and order in each case one of the Saturn nakshatra is present.
Let us take the name Manasi.
The Nakshatra as per the letters are Magha, Anuradha and Shatabhisha.- The business related to this can be something related to ancestors ,entertainment, or regulations or policy making.
Let is consider the name of a business kitchens2tables.
If we apply the nakshatra to it
They are -Mirgshira,Revati, Kritika, Anuradha, Purvaphalguni, Uttaraphalguni,Mula and Ashwini. The nakhatra signifiy Hot food, Cutting of vegetables, different spices and going back to basics of lifestyle.- necessities.
It’s always good to verify the name and the energy it can activate in order to maximize the benefits.